Friday, October 14, 2011

Vignette: Love Locks on the Seine

Since 2008, it has become popular in Paris for young lovers to go to a bridge over the Seine with a padlock inscribed with their names. They vow eternal love, fasten the lock to the wire mesh railings, then throw the key into the river below. It is a very romantic gesture, but Paris City Hall has disapproved of love locks covering the railings because they pose a threat “to the preservation of city heritage.” In May of 2010, pedestrians crossing the bridge found that all but a handful of locks had been removed. Outrage ensued, but Paris City Hall denied culpability. Anyway, the love lockers soon brought their locks and declarations of love back to the bridge. It has been suggested, no doubt by a spurned lover, that lovelockers should use a combination lock so that it can be recycled if the relationship turns out not to be eternal.

The bridge over the Seine behind Notre Dame, where lovelockers have covered the wire mesh with locks, the declarations of their eternal love

The wire mesh is dense with love locks.

Fastening a love lock to the bridge is a great ritual for honeymooners, but there is at least one person who is hedging his or her bets with a combination lock.

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